segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009


“A Cigarra e a Orquestra" uma fabula musical de Andersen Viana apresenta os principais instrumentos musicais de uma orquestra de forma lúdica, como personagens de uma fábula, narrada por uma atriz-cantora. Os primeiros textos que geraram este projeto foram escritos em 1992. Houve uma preocupação e um cuidado em se fazer uma obra com coerência entre texto e música. Além disto, a estrutura lítero-musical foi pensada para que pudesse ser analisada didaticamente. Finalmente, em 2006, a obra foi concluída. A longa espera também foi devida ao fato de “A Cigarra e a Orquestra” ter como antecessoras: “Pedro e o Lobo” de S.Prokofiev, “Guia Orquestral para a Juventude” de B.Britten e “O Carnaval dos Animais” de C.Saint-Saëns. O que por si já era um grande desafio.

Um comentário:

  1. A few days ago I had the privilege of watching a presentation of this wonderful work of art. I confess that I even shed some heartfelt tears at the end of the performance, moved by the sheer beauty of the music and of a story that touched me deeply. This extremely fertile ground lends itself to a myriad of interpretations and meanings. I cannot address all of them, limited by my onn lack of knowledge on psychology, to cite but one possibility. Yet, I would like to leave here my contribution. I will stick to the inevitable connection one establishes with the fable The Cicada and the Ant. When I was little I was struck with overwhelming shock whenever I was told this story, faced with the sheer pervesity of the ways of the world that condemns the artist, for his/her alleged sloth, to slow death from starvation, right at the front-door matt of those who are considered to be the hard workers. Contrary to this worldview that nips the artistic trait in anyone in the bud,Viana's sensitivity and creativity generates a work of art that incites other than castrates, anyone to venture into the art world, to try and find their own voice, their own means of expressing and sharing their unique and subjective contribution.The road might be tricky and full of hurdles to be overcome, still, Viana's cicada faces the obstacles undauntedly, as she walks gracefully through the woods, holding her head high, and with a great deal of determination. At the end, she ahs conquered all the people she met and she is encouraged to make her marvellous solo performance. I am grateful to Andersen Viana to have written and produced this tale. As a soon to be grandmother, I purchased a copy, for surely, this is the version and message I want to pass on to her.

    Rosana Mendes Campos
